
Input–Output–Errors. If you specify the IOSTAT parameter, you get the error number (see below) for the operation attempted in the IOSTAT data item.

 error-number     description 

errornumber     -1 end of file (EOF) reached
-2 EOF reached while processing a record
1 filenumber already used (OPEN)
2 too many files (OPEN), max. 32 files
3 filename too long (OPEN), max. 31 characters
5 filenumber (unit) not opened. Only the units 5 and 6 are preconnected and can be
used without issuing an OPEN statement
6 formatted / unformatted I/O contradiction
7 REC-parameter specified for a sequential access file
8 BACKSPACE, REWIND, ENDFILE not allowed for this file (e.g. AUX: or PRN:)
10 internal I/O only formatted
20 integer overflow processing an input
21 data error occured while processing list-directed input, e.g. missing quote-character
for strings
22 unexpected EOF
23 record too long
24 read error processing UNFORMATTED SEQUENTIAL input
30 format code and I/O-listelement do not fit together
INTEGER needs I-format code
REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION (COMPLEX) need one (two) F-, G-, E- or
D-format code(s)
LOGICAL need L-format code
CHARACTER need A-format code
31 format code L: T or F expected (input)
32 format code I: unexpected character found (input), only blanks, signs and numerals
are allowed
33 format code E, F, or D: unexpected character (input), only blanks, signs, numerals,
decimal–point, E, e, D or d are allowed.
34 format code contains too many (
35 format code contains too many )
36 forbidden position for numeral series in format code
37 unknown format code
38 missing . in F, E, G or D format code
39 4Htext or ''text'' in READ format code
FORTRAN66 allows to read a text for the format code, not allowed in FORTRAN77
40 exponent to high for given format code
42 format code too long, max. length of internal record buffer 80 char.
43 internal I/O, record too long
44 TL, record too long. If the recordlength exceeds the length of the internal record buffer,
left tabbing will not work
45 field length 0 (zero) in I, L, F, E, G or D format code